National Kitchen & Bath Association Meeting
DalTile Showroom
Anaheim, CA
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The NKBA had one of its meetings here in Anaheim at the DalTile showroom. As you might have guessed, this meetings was to educate us about tile and teach us a little bit about what to look for when installing tile. We also learned how to install tile ourselves!
The meetings started out with a meet & greet, where everyone got to walk around and meet vendors and other designers or installers. I picked up a few catalogs and received some nice pair of earings. There were drinks and snacks and everyone was really nice and helpful. A few students there from OCC were there as well as my illustration teacher, Rachelle K. After the meet & greet there was salad, food and dessert; already money well spent :).
There was a small presentation about tile and NKBA, as well as information about future events, some of which i plan to attend. As well as some prizes that would be given away at the end of the meeting. We were going to install tile and create a design, then we were going to be judged to see which one was the best. ( i liked my teams design the best!)
We broke into teams of 5-6 and had about 30 minutes to come up with a design and create it. We set down the mortar mix and placed the tile down with spacers so that it would look even. It looked awesome! the only thing we didn't do, was lay down the grout, but that wouldve taken way too long. In the end, we all applauded the winners and left satisfied knowing that now we could install our own tile at home! It was really fun and educational, although it was really messy :P.
If I get the chance, I will definitely go to another meeting again. There is two meetings in June, the on in Orange is at MSI Premium Natural StoneShowroom. You also get a DISCOUNT for being a STUDENT, so don't miss out on this great opportunity. There is also discounts if you want to register to be a member, for students. So if you're interested, just go to http://www.nkba-socal.org/ to register.
Laura Salcido, OCC
Great event and great way to get involved in the design community and network! Thanks for sharing.
The event was successful and fun. The next meeting will be on June 21 at the MSI showroom.
Doing it yourself really is not as bad it seems. I have just moved into an older house and have been trying to save money by fixing and replacing sections myself. I have recieved help from friends and I came across some videos that have helped me too. With videos that show you how to install wall tile in kitchen , bathroom tiles, and installing carpets, it will allow you to learn some great home improvement skills that will save you the time and money from having to hiring someone to do it for you.
Great lesson, to install tile yourself, as you are now more educated to communicate with those who specialize in tile! I am very interested in attending the next meeting!
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