Friday, August 26, 2011

Design Process and Looking Forward

Well as usual, summer has flown by.  I hope everyone had some fun and is ready to start the fall semester on Monday with some great energy!  As many of you know, the Studio 2 class last Spring had an opportunity to work on something incredible.  It's currently under construction and more progress information will follow.  This is a quick look back at the semester and the collaborative design process.  Enjoy. View Video...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summertime 2011

Summer school begins this week and although there are limited sections available, I know there will be lots of familiar faces around the campus.  We have a full section of ID 100 starting tomorrow for the next 8 weeks and the summer Internship Academy is in full swing. In the Spring 2011 semester, the Studio 2 class had an amazing opportunity to work with a local A&D firm (that’s Architecture and Design) to help design a showroom for Architxture, a Steelcase Dealership.  The project was very much REAL!  A real client, real deadlines and it will really be built and hopefully also achieve LEED certification! The class was amazing. ...


Our new building (done)....our new logo (here)...our new website....coming s...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Who is Aaron King?

Name: Aaron King Koncept Design Group Tell me how you got started in this field? I went to college for production and started my own production company. We produced commercials for companies including National Car Rental, L’Oreal, Skil Tools and many more. I then transformed my company into a full service interior design firm that specializes in hospitality, however we still produce commercials, and I have also designed for corporate spaces and residential spaces. What educational background or related experience might be helpful for someone entering this field? An education in Interior Design is extremely helpful because you...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

NKBA at DalTile

National Kitchen & Bath Association Meeting DalTile Showroom Anaheim, CATuesday, May 17, 2011The NKBA had one of its meetings here in Anaheim at the DalTile showroom. As you might have guessed, this meetings was to educate us about tile and teach us a little bit about what to look for when installing tile. We also learned how to install tile ourselves!The meetings started out with a meet & greet, where everyone got to walk around and meet vendors and other designers or installers. I picked up a few catalogs and received some nice pair of earings. There were drinks and snacks and everyone was really nice and helpful. A few students there...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Walpole Woodworkers by Caroline Persohn

Walpole Woodworkers is an East Coast based company established in 1933. They are among the foremost manufacturers of wood based fencing products in the country. Walpole Woodworkers products are constructed solely of Northern White Cedar. The wood is selected because it naturally ages to a silver sheen, is extremely durable, decay resistant and exceptionally resistant to the elements. Prior to metals and synthetics, cedar was used for all outdoor construction, including ship building, home construction and food storage kegsThe wood is cut at company owned mills in Chester and Detroit, Maine, and is controlled from forest to finish thus enabling...

Friday, May 13, 2011


Business name: Archetype International Business owner’s first and last name: Trish Secor Business address: 523 North Grand Ave. Suite A Santa Ana, CA 92701How did you get started in this field? An Interior Design class was offered in my senior year of high school. I remember that the teacher stated that there is a distinct difference between decoration and design. I then attended San Diego State as an undeclared major, and I quickly discovered that you could actually “major” in Environmental/Interior Design. When I graduated from college, there were few commercial design firms to work for at the time. I was able to find work...


Tell me how you got started in this field? I first took classes at Orange Coast College and discovered I had a talent for Interior Design. I then went on and graduated with a Bachelor Degree from Woodbury University. Where have you worked? Ware Malcomb, Pjar Architects, and Pugh + Scarpa Architects Recently, I left the design industry and entered into the solar industry and currently work for a solar panel manufacturer. Does the market look promising for (young or older) people starting out in this career? Right now the market looks bad but also looks like it is getting better. What do you find most rewarding about this job? The joy and...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

NKBA Meeting - Dal Tile in Anaheim

Hi everyone! The National Kitchen and Bath Association, Southern California Chapter, has its chapter meeting at Dal Tile & Stone Gallery in Anaheim, CA, on May 17, 2011 PST from 6 to 9 PM. Everyone is invited! This particular meeting involves tile setting and grouting -- every attendee is going to have a chance to do both. I think this is good learning experience for all of us. There is a fee to reserve your seat; however, students get a little discount. Dinner is included. There is going to be a raffle for tickets to the Magic Castle. Please check out the association web site for more information.www.nkba-socal....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CBI Showroom

Visiting Corporate Business Interiors’ Irvine showroom is a wonderful experience. Julie Sherwin at CBI is a wonderful host and explained the materials and finishes used throughout the showroom floor. From the moment you walk in the doors your eyes are flattered by a wide array of materials. The grand entry is lain with Arizona Tile porcelain flooring leading to the Furniture Solutions entry platform but the first thing to catch the eye is the Texton Terra textured wall finish laying perfect background to three chairs.This textured wall draws the eye immediately into the space with its rough and rugged horizontal lines, clearly left with detail...

Case Study: The Screen Hotel by Stephen Nguyen & Dai Thai

The Screen HotelJapan's seventh largest city, Kyoto, is one of the cities that everyone should visit sometime in their life. The Screen Hotel features 13 unique individual rooms. Each of the rooms have their distinct ambiance and design. With a wide variety of rooms available, each will tailor to guests' preferences. lobby's design is simplistic. Here, everything at ground level is crisp and is free from...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

BIM for Lighting

BIM for Lighting Seminar IES LA Event, Proud Bird RestaurantLos Angeles, CA April 21, 2011 On April 21, 2011, the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) conducted a seminar about Building Information Modeling (BIM). Lecturer Brian Stacy has extensive experience in lighting design and related systems for exterior and interior environments. He is the principal lighting designer for Arup NY and Arup SF, Lighting Leader for the Americas, and a LEED AP. His seminar was about the benefits of BIM both in regards to lighting and as a benefit to an entire project. What are the traditional ways of embarking on a project? The traditional method is using a linear line of reasoning -- a straight line from A-Z. I would analogize this to a Kantanian causation model where A always leads to B, and...

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